Let's begin with Vivaldi to help put a little (ahem) spring in our step.
Now, let's go Spring shopping!
Easter/Spring Fashion Shop 1
From: Jets and Lily's
I know. I know, guys. I promised no bows for you fellas, but I didn't say anything about no bow ties.
Easter/Spring Fashion Shop 2
From: Lottie da
A very pretty way to dress your little girl
Easter/Spring Fashion Shop 3
From: Wink Couture
A very fitting dress for Spring.
Easter/Spring Fashion Shop 4
From: Elliot and Irving
A suitable Spring outfit for a man.
Drop back by for Music Monday when I feature Mew and, since I missed this past Tuesday's Tutorial, I will continue with at home car repairs and maintenance. Next Friday I'll feature shops from my own personal favorites list, so it'll be Friday Faves' Faves. lol
Until then, have a great weekend, everyone, and take care out there!
IT's been too long since I stopped in here. Promise to do better.
Love the little ones' picks.
No worries. It's just nice to see you drop by whenever you have the time.
I know, cute, huh? So sweet!
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