International Association for Suicide Prevention
To be honest, I wasn't sure what I was going to write about for this Wednesday. But I'm guessing this subject is on a lot of people's minds right now.
I'm sure many people will miss Robin Williams, especially those who knew him best. It is a very sad and unexpected turn of events, and no less sad and unexpected when it is our loved one or dear friend, a neighbor on our own street, a co-worker, or the cute girl or boy we knew at school.
Suicide is a catastrophic tragedy for all. In a moment someone, could be anyone, is gone and their light is taken from this world, their light and their potential to positively touch the lives of others.
Most religions in this world see suicide as a great wrong and it is wrong on so many levels because it hurts more than just one person. But even if it did only hurt one person, the person who commits suicide, I do believe in the worth and value of each and every soul.
Now I'm going to attempt to shine a little light of hope onto this very dark topic by drawing upon some words of wisdom from one of the late members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of my faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Bruce R. McConkie.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie once said, ". . . Persons subject to great stresses may lose control of themselves and become mentally clouded to the point that they are no longer accountable for their acts. Such are not to be condemned for taking their own lives. It should also be remembered that judgment is the Lord’s; he knows the thoughts, intents, and abilities of men; and he in his infinite wisdom will make all things right in due course.” (Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 771)
We can't truly know the circumstances surrounding what led to Robin Williams' desire to take his own life just as we can't truly know the heart and mind of any other person on the face of this earth. We can't know what motivates another person to do whatever they may do.
I don't believe that God will judge Robin Williams, or any other person who has committed suicide, by that act alone. Robin did a lot and brought a lot of good to this world as do most who choose to end their lives.
I have watched television shows and have read some books about life after death experiences in those who were brought back to life through resuscitation or other means. And in every case, even those of suicide, the persons would encounter a personage of such great love and understanding, filled with a compassion that is so immense that it cannot be fathomed.
There is no doubt in my mind or in my heart that Robin Williams also encountered this personage.
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)
This is what I believe.
Please, if you are in the United States and you are feeling suicidal, call:
1-800-273-8255 (Para la Prevencion de Suicidio)
If you are not in the United States and you are feeling suicidal, please, go to this website:
International Association for Suicide Prevention
Please, don't take your life. You ARE loved! You ARE needed!
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